Mr. Bamboo

Bamboo is a type of plant that is widely used for creating furniture, handicrafts, and jewelry. Being perennial in nature throughout the year and its strength and beauty has created Bamboo quite popular in numerous aspects of life for many centuries. Bamboo has its origins in China where records show it being used to make everyday things. Being an affordable and quickly renewable supply the bamboo was utilized in nearly every industry. Artifacts were found to show that bamboo was used to produce cave paintings, scrolls, carvings, and a lot more. The technique of splicing, sharpening and weaving is painstaking, and the smaller the piece, the more difficult it's to form.
Why is Bamboo such a great eco-friendly multipurpose nature’s gift?
Bamboo, which belongs to the grass family, is one of the fastest-growing species of the plant kingdom. Its herculean attributes are not at first obvious when encountered in the forest. Although its hollow stems that bend in the wind may make it appear weak, its provision of a wide variety of ecosystem services — defined as “the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-being,” makes this an invaluable plant.
More Facts
There are over 1000 species of bamboo. This amazing plant grows in tropical and temperate environments and is very hardy, not needing pesticides or herbicides to grow well. It is a type of grass and grows from its roots, when it is cut it quickly grows back with most species maturing in 3-5 years.
Some facts about the sustainability of bamboo are:
It is grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers
It requires no irrigation
It rarely needs replanting
It grows rapidly and can be harvested in 3-5 years
It produces 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees
It sequesters carbon dioxide and is carbon neutral
It is a critical element in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
It is an excellent soil erosion inhibitor
It grows in a wide range of environments
Its production into fibers has lower environmental impact than other forms of fiber, especially synthetic one
Bamboo is a great plant as you can make a lot of durable and handy sustainable products from it. Bamboo items look simple, and as we believe in the simplicity is attractive. Using bamboo, you can create and sell various items such as utensils, toothbrushes, combs, cutlery, and plates. For example, bamboo utensils and other kitchen items never melt if left on a heating panel, don’t release toxins, and need no specific chemicals to wash.